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Do You Have Magnetic Presence?

When you stop projecting ... people will want to connect with you.

Increasing Your Magnetic Feminine Presence

by Rachael Jayne Groover

The YIN Project

    We all tend to project personal qualities we want others to think we have. For example, "I want to be seen as sweet and lovely" or "I want to be seen as smart and capable." We may actually have some of these qualities, but when we project our energy outwards and do not "stay home" in our bodies, we have less presence. People notice when we try too hard. When you stop projecting and are just "home in your skin," people will want to connect with you. They will unconsciously feel there is room to come towards you, versus being uncomfortable or slightly repelled by your energy. For most women reading this tip today, the difference between "being home" and projecting a forced sense of confidence or presence is very subtle. Be aware of that subtlety this week.

Practice walking from point A to point B projecting the quality that you most often project. After a minute, switch to walking with your attention on your lower belly, imagining that you are slightly leaning back into your body and not projecting anything. Feel the difference.


© 2010 Reprinted by permission of Rachael Jayne Groover

Rachael Jayne is the author of the upcoming book "Powerful and Feminine: How to Increase Your Magnetic Presence and Attract the Attention you Want.” She has worked in the field of education and training for 12 years, as a teacher and workshop leader, most recently in the area of feminine empowerment and developing stage presence and personal presence. She is an accomplished singer/songwriter and has an international practice as a Life Coach, working with women on understanding the importance of the feminine principle in intimate relationships, leadership, and in shifting global consciousness.  From this passion she has created The YIN Project.


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