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Are You Getting in the Way of Your Own Dreams?


Sometimes we say we want to change and usually we really do want to change, but somehow we just keep saying it and never really get started doing it. There is a monster difference between saying and doing.

What gets in your way? Self-doubt? Not enough money? Too little time? Family members' needs? Work schedule? Lack of talent or ability? Something else?

Perhaps it's really you. Perhaps you are unconsciously getting in your own way.

There will always be uncertainty. Always issues with the budget. Time is time, no more no less. Family? Yup. Always family or friends that need something. Work schedules will pretty much always be there. Whatever the reason, accept right now that it is simply a part of your life.

What if we decide to start from whereever we are, with whatever we have and go from there? That's how most great accomplishments happen.

Progress Key

Great accomplishments, even small accomplishments, happen because someone started taking action. They made plans and took the first step. Then they kept going, making adjustments, learning, thinking, and enjoying the process.

Brush off your dreams and get started. Today.

Read the article "Make the Decision and The Way Will Show Up" by Fabienne Frederickson, a business coach dedicated to helping women create highly successful and meaningful businesses, while working fewer hours.

'You have to move before you think you're totally ready. You will learn as you go. You must realize that.  It's the only way to really get the knowledge that you need. So remember that. Move before you're ready."
~Rich Schefren

Related articles:

Unused Gifts Will Quietly Annihilate Your Life

Decide What You Like - Simple Steps to a Better Life

How to Achieve Your Goals - 7 Steps


Article by Patti Tokar Canton ©2011
All Rights Reserved. Do not duplicate without permission.


SIMPLE LIFE CORPORATION - Simple Spiritual Abundant Living





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